SUSAN: Good. Here is a deposIt'slip.
苏珊: 好的, 这是存款单.
互联网Can I have a deposIt'slip?
能给我一张存单 吗 ?
互联网The pen and the deposIt'slip are on the table over there.
互联网All right. Please print your name on the deposIt'slip.
好的. 请在这张存款单上用印刷体写上您的名字.
朗文快捷英语教程 2Please mail the deposIt'slip together with this form to us.
互联网Please attach your Bank DeposIt'slip on the blank area.
互联网A : Would you please pass me your passbook with the deposIt'slip?
A: 请把您的存折和存款凭条递给我好 吗 ?
互联网There is a small amount of surplus in this deposIt'slip.
互联网Please send us this form together deposIt'slip to Awake Limited.
互联网Please show me how to fill out a deposIt'slip.
互联网Here is my filled out deposIt'slip, and here is the money.
这是我填好的表, 这是钱.
互联网Did I forget to print my name on the deposIt'slip?
我忘记在存款单上签名了 吗 ?
互联网You need a withdrawal slip and this is a deposIt'slip.
互联网Please fill out the deposIt'slip first.
互联网Oh. Did I forget to print my name on the deposIt'slip?
哦, 我忘记把名字写在存款单上了 吗 ?
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